This is our sweet little boy right before nap time
Thanks Drew and Dylan for a great show!
Levi got to hang out with our good friend Lauren, easily one of his favorite ladies!
Levi was so proud of his Mama!
Hangin' with Mama!
Quick recap: Levi turned ONE on Tuesday
On Saturday we had a party for Levi at Loyola beach. Thank you to all our family and friends that made it; it was great to see you all! Thank you Jess for the amazing Brewers hat!
Auntie FunFun

Poor Levi got snapped by the birthday hat... accidentally by his Daddy.
Levi was so proud of his Mama!
Poor Levi got snapped by the birthday hat... accidentally by his Daddy.
(Photo and candle bombed by Gracie!)
Jenny wasn't in the mood for cake time 2.0, we went with the cupcake!
"T-I-Double Guh-Errr"
Levi loved his DumpTruck from Nani and Papa
(Just picture Levi with a lighter in his hand)
Well, we're off to Michigan tomorrow. And so starts year two of "Life in Leviland!" Thanks for sticking with us over the last year and don't worry I've signed a contract for at least one more year of weekly posts!
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" ~Romans 10:9
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" ~Romans 10:9
love it love it love it!
Can't believe he's really one already.
Love all of you! Smooches and hugs!
Mom Wendy/G-Woo
These pictures are great! He's such a cutie! Hope year two is even better than year one!
Love the blog as usual but I am very sorry that Grace got in the cake pic!!!
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