Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Time for some R&R...

Look at those cute boys loving on their Mama... because it's the last time it happened for the rest of the week. Levi was definitely living up to the "terrible twos" stereotype and Tigue was just a mess with his four top front teeth coming through. Jenny was counting down the hours to the end of busy season only to find out I had to go into the office today. Luckily, I'll be home the rest of the week to enjoy time with her and our little monsters!

"Wevi, how do you play dis sing so good?!"

Like his older brother was before him - Tigue is notorious for wiggling around when he's being changed (clothes or diaper). Jenny has mastered the following move... to prevent movement.

I decided to give in and share my smoothie with Levi...
I think he likes it.
"Wevi, smoovie!"

"Daddy, is der sumfeen on Wevi face?"

Tigue starting to lose his baby blues but he's got his Mama's lashes just like Levi...


For those that didn't catch it, the above picture is of Levi. If you can't tell they're brothers at all... here's a little peak at Tigue and Levi, well, being Tigue and Levi!

Other than a lot of under 3 years old crabbiness it was a relatively quiet week as I finished up my busy season and Jenny "enjoyed" the boys... On a more serious note, for those of you that didn't get Jenny's email or see her event on facebook, a friend of ours was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the age of 31. His name is Michael and he has a two-year-old daughter and his wife is due with their second in October. Please keep them in your prayers as we ask our LORD and SAVIOR to place HIS miraculous hands over Michael and wipe his cancer away. We pray that GOD's glory is on display and that there would be no explanation of his recovery but the will of GOD. Thank you all for once again checking in and have a great rest of the week!

"Whatever you ask in MY name, this I will do, that the FATHER may be glorified in the SON. If you ask ME anything in MY name, I will do it" ~ John 14:13-14

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tigue Picturefest!

Look at that classy little Easter family! We had a wonderful Easter with Nani, Uncle John, Aunt Marty and Uncle Ed. And of course Jenny had a great time dressing up our little men to be the best dressed boys in Kid Kingdom (Children's Ministry).

Thank you to our LORD and SAVIOR for HIS sacrifice on the cross and for freedom in HIM!


Our littler man is 10 months old! He's very excited we FINALLY got a new camera to document his big month. It's hard to believe our little baby isn't quite an infant anymore. Jenny would tell me to SHUT IT right about now because he's still her little baby but this little dude is on the move...

Who wants to read a book?

Tigue, you need to wipe your nose!

Tigue has decided that he's TOO BIG for baby food...
Time for lots of new solids

Don't worry, Levi is still around! But he's doing lots of growing and needs lots of sleep... even when we go for runs.

He's so precious

Back to that little 10 month old...
So proud of himself!

Just playin' with big boy toys!

Just like his brother and Mama... loves bread.

Eating banana is very serious business.

Just hangin' around

And after a long day... time to catch some zzzzz....
So, we're back in business snapping pictures like crazy and hoping that the warm weather comes back! Busy season is almost at an end and I'm looking forward to some R&R with my wife and little rascals - now to come up with the perfect stay-cation... or maybe a trip out west! Have a great rest of the week everyone and GO BREWERS!

"Then HE said to them all: “Whoever wants to be MY disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow ME. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for ME will save it." ~ Luke 9:23-24

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy 1st Easter Tigue!

Who needs an Easter Bunny when you have a Tigue Bunny? He was surprisingly cooperative...

Unlike his brother.

There's a new bear in town... just across the street from Wrigley Field. Levi's friend Jordan's Daddy's rooftop just installed the new intimidation... Levi and Jordan's cuteness kind of tames this statue.

So, what's better than coloring... coloring and a snack.
(yes those are teeth marks on the markers!)

So, finally got a new camera, but the memory cards don't come in until tomorrow...
While we waited for our camera to be ready Levi said, "Mama, Levi picture"

Tigue is getting TOO BIG!

Time to move the crib base down...
someone can pull himself up!

Where are you going dudes?

It's running time!
(and it's a little cold out)

Have a wonderful week everyone and may your heart feel both sorrow and joy this week as we reflect on the sacrifice made on our behalf by our LORD CHRIST JESUS!


"After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the LORD came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for JESUS, who was crucified. HE is not here; HE has risen, just as HE said. Come and see the place where HE lay. Then go quickly and tell HIS disciples: 'HE has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see HIM.' Now I have told you."

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell HIS disciples. Suddenly JESUS met them. "Greetings," HE said. They came to HIM, clasped HIS feet and worshiped HIM. Then JESUS said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see ME." ~ Matthew 28:1-10