Our baby is ONE YEAR OLD!!!! We can hardly believe it. This was easily the fastest, most amazing year of our life. Thank you to all those that have followed our blog over the last year and a special thanks to those that called/texted us today to wish Levi a happy birthday. And yes he did enjoy his birthday cake!
Levi was getting stylist for his birthday!

Looking good big boy!

Nothing says happy birthday like new sandals and an Elmo balloon!

Levi was not a big fan of the sandals on his feet at first, but eventually he liked them...

We were on our way to the zoo and got a wonderful birthday card from our church's kid ministries leadership team, very thoughtful (thank you all those that sent us cards as well!)

Resting on Mama's shoulders in the Ape House (at the zoo)


Mama's feet needed a break too

Back home Levi enjoyed a snack... while wearing his sandals

Birthday Cake Time!

"Mmmmm, sugar..."

Lots of sugar...

Mama trying to get "clean" kisses

The aftermath...
"Was that fun?!"

All Clean!

We let Levi open his presents after he officially turned ONE at 7:51 pm. He got his very own laptop and cell phone, as well as, a collection of quality snacks.

"Hi, Dada"

The Jones Pod
(being the Jones Pod; look at that little face)

Well, the first year is behind us. We look forward to many many more and will keep you updated along the way. I'll also plan to post an extra post about what else happened this week sometime later this week. Thanks again for making us a part of your life over the last year and for all your comments, love, and time! God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week!
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
1 comment:
WOW crazy! I can't believe he is already one!! You guys are amazing parents! Cute pictures! I love the cake mess- holy cow! That kid seems to know what's good for him! Happy birthday Levi!
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