We had a very busy weekend... rummage sale - Chicago Style! And don't worry, we didn't sell Levi. He did have a great time outside, though, and it was great getting to know lots of our neighbors. It was also fun to hang out with Kelly, Chris, Paul, Kindra, and Cyrus our fellow rummage sellers!
I know that Levi LOVES paper, I guess Cyrus likes it too.
Yay, for trading stuff we don't want for the green stuff!

Levi and Cyrus were modeling the baby toy we found in our basement after our neighbor moved out... it didn't sell. Jenny was trying to get $10 for it, but we noticed later that there was $35 sticker from when our neighbor probably bought it... oops!


"Only $10... no, not me, the toy! I'm priceless!"

Levi hanging out with Chris and Paul

Levi was having a tough day and I didn't get why...

So we played instead of eating

Levi loved the balloons from the rummage sale

I swear that tongue is out more than in!

I made Levi snuggle as a punishment for whining... classic!

This afternoon Levi was doing his usual dog-like scratching of the door... then Jenny heard a weird noise and Levi had given up scratching and was now trying to chew through the hinge!

Jenny pulled the paint chips out of his mouth
(look by his right foot)
By the way I can't believe Levi is already nine months old and it's MAY 2010! Ridiculous! Any ways have a great week everyone and thanks for taking time out of your day to check in on us.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
aww... great yard sale pics... the one with the paint chips is too funny!
I still love looking at your blog. Still waiting for a squishy face video.
Aunt Jeni
I'd pay a quarter for him ;)
And Tate has the same outfit as paint-chip eating Levi although it doesn't fit him yet (I got a good laugh imagining your baby trying to chew through the door hinge).
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