Pretty quiet week on the Jones Pod front, however Levi kept us busy with his constant need for activity. Let's start on a quiet night in Levi's room... I'm glad to know that Levi is using his crib mattress evenly. I'm pretty sure that I put him to bed on the other side of the crib this particular evening. This next picture was only taken about ten minutes later...

Guess who was checking out his handy work on the door hinge...
"No, no, Levi"

Fresh out of the bathtub Levi was looking cute
with his ducktails and baby blues

We pulled out a new toy for Levi this week. The hammer is for knocking balls down little hoops. Levi had to make sure the hammer was sound plastic before he used it...

A room of toys and he chews on the care-tag
Just bein' cute

He's started standing up a lot this week

And climbing in and over things

"Watch out, backing up here!"

"Mama, please let me come over by you"

We attempted to capture Levi's scrunchy face for Auntie Jeni, but he would smile too fast when we went to snap the picture. Though we failed, it made for some pretty great pictures none the less...

He needs to go nuh-night... "who, me?"

"But I'm soooo awake..."

"Give Mama nuh-night kisses"

Fell asleep in Mama's arms, precious

"Happy Mothers' Day, Mama! I made you breakfast... Daddy helped a little"

A happy Mama with her happy baby
Well, we couldn't get a scrunchy face picture, so we decided to video tape him. Enjoy Auntie Jeni, this is for you and it's your fault he was sad... j/k, he just wanted down. Have a good week everyone!
P.S. Goggy (Casey's mom's mom) and Wendy (Casey's mom) visited us on Friday and it was wonderful having them. They were a little camera shy but we'll make sure to get them next time. Also Happy Belated Mothers' Day to all those moms out there that follow our blog! Us non-moms will never know all that you do, but thank you, you're amazing!
Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don't' worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving; let your requests be made known to God.And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:4-7
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