Levi has been having a tough couple weeks. He has THREE teeth coming in up top and his poor little mouth and jaw seem to always be sore. So, he's making sure to chew on everything extra hard as of late, including this key ring.
Levi got a new jacket and hat as part of the deal.
Chalk up another couple points to the Dwyer team on proper grandparenting... step it up Jones'... j/k
So, I added a couple minutes to the first password letter for this.
P.S. Your sister is still shocked at how much taller you are than she.
Knock it off! :)
Another rare moment of pure sassiness.
We can almost hear him saying,
We can almost hear him saying,
"I'lllllll be baaaaaack...with another cranky face!"
Today Jenny went to visit Aunt Marty and Uncle Ed in Crown Point. As a Christmas present, they GENEROUSLY gave Levi a little angel photo shoot with the lovely Edda Taylor; we just had to wait until the lil guy was able to sit up on his own. The shoot was complete with ethereal backdrop, floofy angel wings, a mini-French horn, and a cute baby! All I have to say is there better be at least one picture with Levi wielding a weapon...
Thanks for stopping by, all! I hope you enjoyed the NFL draft this past weekend with its three days of AMAZINGNESS instead of its normal two. We look forward to the Jones' attempt to even up the score this coming weekend ;)
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the FATHER of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17
he is SO cute...I love the one with his legs sticking out of the crib! ADORABLE
Hey Chicago family,
You think he has a sassiness face you should see mine. I am still grieving the fact we are not coming down this weekend. These pics make it even harder.
Love all of you!! Really hope to see you soon.
Why does life have to be so....
You know who :(
Adorable as usual. Sometimes with teething it helps to put his teething toys in the freezer for awhile. The cold is soothing on the gums. It used to work really good. Just a suggestion. I hope I get to see the sitting photos. They sound so cute.
Love you all very much.
eww. football.
Auntie Carli
P.S. Levi is adorable as always...I miss you all very much and am counting the days until I see you! 21 and counting. YAY Love you
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