Ever wonder how Levi keeps his eyes so bright? Carrots! Well, actually, he just has great eyes, but this week he has started munching on carrots, and anything else he sees us eating that we feel is ok for him.

Super Excited!

"I'm big boy!"

He's started enjoying the jump-a-roo for a new reason... jumping! Not quite evident in this picture, but he has a fun little smile on his face, so it made the blog.

He got into his treats and dragged them down the hall before enjoying a few at the end of the couch.

Levi trying to climb over this box of toys (it was on its side). The box flipped 90 degrees as he moved over it. This was the result... stuck. Hilarious! Then...

he pulled one foot back into the box and...

leaned over some more...

bonk! Poor baby, Daddy cared more about capturing the moment than preventing the fall... Worth it! Is that mean? Bad parenting? "I submit that it is not!"

Reading time before bed

This weekend we were at Gracie Perricone's Fourth Birthday Party. Levi loved kicking the soccer ball around. And when I say kicking the soccer ball around I mean I would kick it up into my hands and then he would hit with his hands and laugh. Same thing, right? I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but over the last week or so Levi has really started loving balls and I'm excited! Let's leave it at that, ok?!

Cute monkey lip face!

Here's Gracie opening our present, and Gracie's Great Aunt lovin' on Levi in the background. Dad, remember when you said we would start being integrated into our friends' families... I'm starting to feel that way with the Perricones. Thanks Brittany and John!

Levi and John Michael hangin' out. Where are Levi's pants?

The boys loved playing with the water bottles

"Hey Levi, how do you hold it like that?"
"Here, John Michael, let me me show you..."

"Now you got it, good job!"

"I think I want the one you have, Levi..."
To be continued...
Have a great week everyone and keep your fingers crossed that a high-end offensive lineman is available when Ted has to make his first pick on Thursday. For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, that's ok, just love Levi!
I sent one comment, but It does not look like it went. I just said Levi again is adorable and quite the little HAM. He is also a good acrobat. Very funny, and Casey, sometimes you have to do what you have to do, to get the shots, right? Can't wait for next week.
So cute. Munching on carrots is fun. Has Levi tried avacado yet. It is still a favorite of Dereks. The pics are very sweet. Oh we all take the pics like those :)
Seriously, he is adorable! Glad he likes carrots so much- that is too cute! Connor used to steal my (whole) apples and munch on them. It's funny when they think they are big people too :0)
Seems like somebody's keeping you very busy now that he's on the move! Does he still just have those two adorable teeth?
Nice post. Really fun to see the pics of levi. So cute watching him try to "negotiate his way into/out of the box. How dare you allow him to bonk his head while standing by like paparatzzi (sp?). LOL
That picture of Levi and the box is so cute and funny! It reminded me of a picture I took of Aspen falling into the garbage can from the toilet. She was mad that I had to take a picture before I could help her, it was a great picture and I say NOT bad parenting, we have to capture these things!!
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