Levi is starting to get the hang of sitting up; it won't be long before he's crawling all over the place. It might be time to buffer all our table edges...
Now that Levi is a rolling machine, he falls asleep in the best positions, like the "butt in the air" cuddle...
Or the "I hate the light" lounge.
Before I go, I need to ask you all for a huge favor. This past week some friends of ours, Matt and Lauren, lost their baby, Isaiah David, at 32 weeks (second miscarriage in less than 14 months)... So, please lift them up as you speak with God over the next few months and pray that they can make it through each day knowing that God is in control and loves us. I'll leave you with a few words from Lauren...
"A few months before my grandmother passed away, she gave my mother her rosary. Its beads remind us that the FATHER encircles and wraps us with love. At the base of my grandmother's rosary, JESUS the MESSIAH, our hope and salvation, stretches HIS arms, victorious over death. The day after my son, Isaiah, walked into those same arms, my mother gave me this rosary."
Yay Mr. I can sit up!!
(Btw... I noticed the b&w pic you were telling me about the other day... so cool!!)
"Everyone likes their own Brand" haha. Love the cute music!! haha Mr. Squeakers.
P.s. Your friends are in my prayers.
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