We were thinking of sending this photo in to Carter's Kids (maker of most of Levi's clothes) to see if they would be interested in Levi modeling for them, but I think he needs to lose a little weight first... I kiiiiddd, we love our little Chunky!

Levi is really starting to explore and enjoy toys, which gives Mommy a little more down time.
Even a little time to pose for some pics!

Levi wasn't so sure about the camera in his face for the 10 millionth time

But I did get some great pictures before he lost interest

This past weekend we were up in Wisconsin helping Carli and Steve move in to their new home. It has a great layout and a very nice guest bedroom for our little family of three. Levi approved by sleeping through the night for the first time at a new place. Here I am getting Levi's car seat; just had to add this to make sure I made the blog. :)

Here's the happy home owners... and their home! And since you've been waiting so patiently, I'll explain the title to this week's post... as part of the new home owner celebration I bought little Babybel cheese wheels. Steve had never had one, so I told him he had to try one. He pulled one out... pulled off the wrapper... and bit into it... "uuuugghhh... I don't like it," Steve moaned. "Steve, you need to peel off the wax first, that red stuff is wax, the cheese is inside it!" (We all laughed and laughed the rest of the weekend!)

Levi enjoying his baby food; our baby is getting SOOOO big!

Well, that's all from us here in Chicago. Have a great week everyone and happy belated birthday Sarah!
He's so darn smiley. I like it, makes me smile right along with him. Love you guys. Uncle Frankie and Aunt Jeni
O M G! I was seriously laughing my head off....UHHHHH I don't like it!!!! lol. Love you both!!
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