Considering a lot of time was spent downtown visiting Dru, Levi had to be bundled up a lot, which is a hilarious process with cute results!
This was the conclusion of story time with Levi one night. There's a video that precludes this lovely scene but that will be staying in house...
Jenny was very excited about this outfit that finally fits Levi... it is the only piece of clothing he has that says I Love Mommy, opposed to the handful of I Love Daddy outfits (not my fault, I blame all you Levi clothing purchasers... well done!).
Here's Aunt Dru for those of you that have not had the pleasure.
This reminds me of Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story!
1 comment:
Thanks for taking the time to post all the pics and little stories. I always end my Sunday by checking out your blogs. They make me giggle before bedtime.
Aunt Jeni
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