Let the spoiling begin! Yes, our extended family has done a wonderful job of making Levi feel loved and spoiled him along the way, but Jenny and I have tried to balance the inflow of goodies. Well, I guess Jenny is taking a break and letting Levi enjoy two nuks at once!
This past week Jenny and Levi once again took a trip to good old Romeoville for a visit with the Perricones. Gracie and company were excited for the visitors.

I guess Gracie is at the age were everything is about comparing... very cute!

I like to think the conversation here is going something like this, "Hey John Michael, can I see if your nukie tastes the same as mine? Then I'll give it right back."

Levi: "Oh no! They must be on to me..."
"Who me?" (Levi tries to make a break for it!)

Officer Gracie with the stop! (For the record I do not think Levi is going to be a sly fox, but it would be pretty hilarious if I was right...)

Back at home, Levi and Jenny are enjoying some quality time in the reading area. Levi is reading, the Grapes of Wrath, the illustrated version, just like his Papa Tiggy (Jenny's Dad). Jenny would also like to state the following disclaimer: no, I have not gained 50 pounds, this sweatshirt is ridiculously large and smushed weirdly against the chair...I swear!

Tummy time with Dad

Discovering how delicious his feet taste
Chillin' gnome-style!

This past weekend was extra nice with a psuedo-surprise visit from Auntie Sammi.

Hanging with the mama :)

He sure loves his Auntie Sammi!

Storytime with Dad before bed. Wow, what an awesome haircut; some extremely talented yet underappreciated hair-stylist must have done it!

That's all folks! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all those that we will not see over the holiday season. God bless!
Levi is absolutely ADORABLE!! His whole face lights up when he smiles! I can't wait to meet him!
Thank goodness, its a problem you can fix. I was afraid you'd forgotten about Levi's fans. I anxiously await the next update.
Love you,
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