Yes, it is cold in Chicago, and Levi probably did need to be covered up this much, but I shutter to think how much my poor son is going to be that over-protected kid that has to wear a helmet to play tetherball.
Here you'll again see that Jenny loves to put blankets around him and even cover his hands with socks to keep them warm. As odd as this may seem, especially indoors, unfortunately, Levi does have Jenny's no-circulation blood flow and his hands always feel cold.
He's been a big time snuggler, too. Nothing like the hum of a car engine or the warmth of a mother's arms.
Outside of the snuggles and warmth, this was a pretty special week for another reason! It was Jenny's birthday week and nothing says I love you like fruit in a pot! Jenny's parents and brother Drew came down to celebrate the weekend of fun too, but I think Levi stole all of their attention, as usual...
Levi was especially excited this week to watch Favre get beat by the Packers on Monday night! Unfortunately, Favre was spotless, like so many other Monday nights before and tore apart his "opponent's" defense for 271 yards and three TDs; this game was not nearly as close as the score implied. The funniest part was probably when I came out in my A.J. Hawk jersey and Jenny called me out and said, "Who are you fooling, Chris isn't even here, go put on your Favre Viking jersey..." After I wouldn't budge, she said, "Fine I'll go wear the jersey of the team that will win tonight," and she did. (HA! Told him so ;) ~Jenny)
All in all, a pretty calm and relaxing week with very little workload or stress. And Levi looks pretty hilarious when his little skull cap is just hanging at the back of his head, he looks like a garden gnome! :)
Your son is adorable!
Jenny it was wonderful to talk to you. I always cover Derek too- then I always look to make sure he can breathe- every minute or so. I totally get it :)
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