Let the spoiling begin! Yes, our extended family has done a wonderful job of making Levi feel loved and spoiled him along the way, but Jenny and I have tried to balance the inflow of goodies. Well, I guess Jenny is taking a break and letting Levi enjoy two nuks at once!
This past week Jenny and Levi once again took a trip to good old Romeoville for a visit with the Perricones. Gracie and company were excited for the visitors.
I guess Gracie is at the age were everything is about comparing... very cute!
I like to think the conversation here is going something like this, "Hey John Michael, can I see if your nukie tastes the same as mine? Then I'll give it right back."
"Who me?" (Levi tries to make a break for it!)
Officer Gracie with the stop! (For the record I do not think Levi is going to be a sly fox, but it would be pretty hilarious if I was right...)