NUMEROUS!! Now there's an SAT analogy if I've ever heard one!
Welcome to another delayed Levi update (only up until 4am last night; however, you should NOT be sad for me, I choose to work late instead of miss time with my family). That said, look at that cute little baby! That's his new laughing face. He squints and kind of pushes his chin forward making his teeth extra exposed and cute. This week was pretty busy. Levi's girlfriend, Laura stayed over Wednesday night (don't worry, we made them sleep in different rooms); the Roundys stayed over on Thursday,
and Jenny's Dad on Friday.
Levi riding a giraffe at Borders...ok.
ROUNDY TIME!!!!!!!!!!

having story time in our bed. They slept here for a short time
while we "growed-ups" hung out in the family room.
This next picture is awesomely cute,
but even better with the comparison to his trip home from the hospital...
but even better with the comparison to his trip home from the hospital...
The week ended with a visit to Romeoville for a friend's baby shower. Lots of babies were in attendance, too! Both Levi and his bestest buddy baby John were wearing sweater vests...priceless. But at this point, Levi had already managed to grind numerous bits of Cheerios into the cable knitting
(yes, our baby's outfit was cable knit!).
So he's not wearing his. But look how cute John is!!
Well that's all, folks! And speaking of swabs I'd say good luck staying healthy at the end of this cold and flu season, but with our new fascist health care plan on the horizon I don't think you'll need it!
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