No matter how many times we move him,
our little wiggle worm finds his way to the nearest bumper.
I guess there's just no fightin' it.
Today we went to the Museum of Science and Industry on Chicago's South side. It was a really good time, we highly recommend it. Of course, Levi was most fond of the exhibits' visual aids... aka TV screens.
This was the U-505, a U-boat that the Allied forces captured during WWII and later transported to Chicago, via the Great Lakes; it was absolutely incredible.
From one baby to another
(Thermal Imaging Center )
(Motion activated cameras, picture doesn't do it justice)
Levi's first time in a plane, ex-vivo
(Jet turbines are insane!)

"Go Wright Brother!"
(Jet turbines are insane!)
"Go Wright Brother!"
Thanks for checking out our first 2010 week home in Chicago! Don't forget to check out the bonus post of pictures from Christmas with my side of the family thanks to my sisters' and mom's cameras. Have a great weekend everyone and don't let the Packers' loss mess up your week too much (that onside kick was amazing, though).
I think he has the cutest baby smile I've ever seen (aside from my own kids, of course)
Every week the pictures get cuter and cuter! I just can't stand it.
He definitely is the cutest baby ever. Keep the posts coming. LOVE THEM! Remember Steve Martin in "The Jerk".... he had a "special purpose". LOL.
Luv you all,
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