Welcome to a week of goofiness and sound effects. I feel like my baby is already gone and now I'm quickly being introduced to Levi... the Toddler Terror... but still very cute. Here's some moments when he's not yelling and growling.

Jenny is enjoying Levi, the Self-Entertainer.

Levi, looking cute between growls

So, this weekend was another fun filled adventure with friends. Chris and Sarah made the trip down and I must say they are definitely, "the best visitors ever!" Levi showed his thanks with some hoody pull string chewing and face time with Chris.

"And I thought Daddy's head was big..."

Mommy Time!
Levi, the Chewer

"Daddy, are you going to cry cause Favre lost?"

Levi, Harley Fan!
("Thanks Great Uncle Frank and Aunt Jeni")

Levi, Girly Eye Boy

Levi, Doll Face
(Thanks to sleeping on his left check)

Daddy Time!

"Who's that baby?"

So, I started by saying that Levi has become a little terror. It's not really true, but he does make some great noises. Luckily, he made most of them in one sitting this week... and the cameras were rolling!
Have a great week everyone and congrats to Steve and Carli on moving into their first home this coming weekend!