Welcome to the three week check-in. Levi is an absolute joy and I think he's replaced me as Jenny's number one man (sorta...).

Now, let the record show that I'm not bitter about Levi's relationship with Jenny, but it was worth noting, mostly because it has been fun watching Jenny go from a dancing, education focused, research maniac to a loving, borderline obsessed mother.
Now back to Levi... Levi weighed in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. at his two week checkup, which he "passed" with flying colors! That's a 16+% weight increase in just over a week and a half. In case you can't tell, I'm very proud of my little weight gainer. I would guess that he's now just over 8 lbs. For those of you that are not parents, it's a big deal that your baby is gaining a healthy amount of weight.

And once again Levi was visited by a number of loving, wonderful people this week. Including his youngest visitor yet. Our friend Brittany (due in September) and her beautiful daughter, Grace, came to visit Jenny and Levi this week and prepared us a wonderful dinner (Thank you Brittany!). Also, our friends Lindsey and Megan came to visit this past weekend, as well as, Chris and Sarah, who made a quick trip out on Sunday, which was a fantastic surprise!
And another great surprise was his present from Jenny's friend Beth, a hand-knit blanket (thank you!), which matched our home color palette quite nicely.
Also, Levi had a lot of firsts this week (shocking, I know...), he made his first visit to Navy Pier, via the EL (Chicago's train lines) and trolley. He had his first bath; I think he liked it. And he had his first alone time with daddy, while Y.E. Yang made history beating Tiger for the PGA Championship, crazy!
Well, thanks again for stopping by and we look forward to seeing a lot of you Wisconsinites this weekend at my parents' house! ~Casey
aww. Good job Levi getting big. Jenny I knew you would be a great mom and totally be into it. I love the sling! Casey- I was hoping for a big more detail in your blogs. I am not quite sure you enjoy being a dad or doting on Levi! Just kidding! It is so fun to watch you be an awesome Daddy. Levi is one blessed boy.
haha i see in this post that you are in fact sporting a wrap-around thing for protection... that cta employee would be very pleased to see this
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