Welcome home little guy! Today was "going home day" and Levi did very well. The nurses loved him so much and were sad to see him leave, but we were ready to go. Honestly, I've never driven so slow in my entire life, but he's my baby and "I'll do what I want" (a quote from his Uncle John's life motto).
Additionally, we wanted to make sure he was well protected, in ALL areas, including his precious little eyes. Unfortunately the psuedo-seriousness was lost in how hilarious he looked. Even our nurse had to call in all the other post-partum nurses, doctors, and med students. So, laugh if you must, but we're good parents and we had his best interests in mind (he looked hilarious). I'm not sure what else to say, but I know you all want to see pictures, so here he is some more:
Have a great day, all, and if anything hilarious or interesting comes up I'll post it. ~Casey
you guys need to seriously consider the sunglasses photo as a christmas card option!
Haha SO cute. Congrats you guys! Levi is a beautiful baby, with an awesome name!
So sweet.
He looks so tiny on that table and in your hands! How is the first day solo going?
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