"Here's me and my Daddy waiting to get on the airplane to go to Canada...
I guess it's in the sky some place."
We made it to Montreal! For those of you that were not in the know, we went to Canada to spend Thanksgiving with our friends/family the Roundys, who are studying French in Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, in preparation for moving to Senegal to be fulltime missionaries.
I don't think you're close enough"
I would have to agree
Beautiful snow fall
"French Travel" isn't complete without a Crepe Meal!

And Mama and Daddy kisses!
And Mama and Daddy kisses!
we wrapped Levi's shoes in plastic bags. Effective and hilarious!
Bye Roundys!
Back Home in Chicago!
What an incredible trip! I wasn't able to even get into half of the amazingness of this Thanksgiving trip but let me just say... WOW! Thank you Roundys for all the laughs, food, fun and games! We love you and miss you already. Well, everyone have a wonderful start to December 2010, yes it is already here, and good luck to all you fantasy footballers out there vying for a playoff spot... expect you, Chris ;)
"Therefore the LORD HIMSELF will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a SON, and will call HIM IMMANUEL." ~ Isaiah 7:14
"Daddy, can I please ride the bike?"
Bye Roundys!
"Therefore the LORD HIMSELF will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a SON, and will call HIM IMMANUEL." ~ Isaiah 7:14
Love the pics. Thanks!
Looks like you guys had a good trip! Now I want to go to Canada!
Thanks so much coming up to visit. We are SOOOO glad you came and we had a WONDERFUL time. Hope you are having a GREAT week. Levi, you really shouldn't hold hyour bowl in your mouth like that. :)
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