Welcome to one of the busiest weeks we've had in a while. There was something big going on everyday! I'll warn you this post is extra LONG, I hope you don't mind :)
We love that Levi expresses himself... currently, that involves a lot of pink and sparkly things and the occasional satchel.
Thanks again guys!
This weekend we had the joy of having Macs and Mykalanne come visit! First stop... Hershey's Store and Jamba Juice!
Impressive, he's playing it with his nose
We also made a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. Jenny made her way through a U-boat exhibit. Fancy!

More baby chicks!
Look familiar...?
What can I say, the kid is DANG cute!
The big teenagers - Mykalanne you need some age-appropriate PJs!
More baby chicks!
(Thanks again G-Woo and Grampa Mokey!)
Playing in the packaging
"Check out my new crib!"
Time for a haircut, mullet boy!
A few cuts in...
Lookin' good
"Hey John Michael, I've got a new do!"

Texting his homies

It's getting there...
"I feel weird..."
WOW! That was a busy week! Hopefully things won't be as crazy this weekend. Thank you again for stopping by and unfortunately we don't have pictures, but welcome to the outside world Caleb Matthew Tengler! We were so glad to meet you and if anyone would like to see him check out the Tenglers' blog linked to the right. We'll leave you with a little afternoon with Levi... on a VERY good day! Enjoy! And I hope you enjoyed all the exclamation points :)
Texting his homies
It's getting there...
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in HIM. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." ~Jeremiah 17:7-8
Nice car seat Levi! What a fun week you had big guy. Keep loving life with your wonderful parents.
I agree what a fun carseat!
Love all of you and can't wait to see you the end of the month.
Thank you for sharing your week with me...
Loved it! Best part was my pjs! :) :) haha and the adorable pic of Levi sleeping in my arms! I had a great time, miss you all!!!!
Hugs and kisses,
Auntie DoDo :)
Hi all,
Loved the blog this week, as always. He is growing so fast and is cuter by the week. I laughed so hard at the video. That was adorable!!! Can't wait to see you all again.
Much love,
Thanks for all of the updates. I video was so funny. It hurt my stomach just listening to him. Ready for another video.
Love, Aunt Jeni (Auntie BeeBoo)
Oh. my. That video made me laugh out loud! So funny! I love his smile in his car seat. And I am still wondering when Connor's obsession with pink will end... he and Adalyn always fight over the pink bowl in the morning while I try to encourage, "Green? Blue? No?!?!" *sigh* Oh well!
Cute pictures, as usual!!!
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