Welcome back to another awesome week at TheJonesPod - I know you all wish you were here to be with these awesomely, cute, loving little boys... with the potential to mess up your day or sleepless night pretty quickly :) But just look at those little faces; we are truly blessed!
Some mornings Levi wakes up with me early and sad to admit it but in order to let Jenny and Tigue stay asleep a lot of times I'll let him watch TV to stay quiet. He loves his Disney moves and this morning felt the need to sit back and enjoy his Elmo chair as well.
Yes, after I took these pictures I moved him back to health distance from the TV. And nothing chills this boy out like a quality animated flick and a cup of juice!
When you wake up from a nap some times you just have to sit back under your leaf canopy and enjoy a refreshing drink... ahhhhh...
"Just enjoying some chocolate milk Mama"
(Looks like some other liquid was spilled on his shirt earlier)
And here we are a third of the way through NOVEMBER 2011! CRAZY!? Levi is getting so talkative and his personality and sense of humor are really starting to shine. Tigue is five months now and is a rolling, rice-cereal eating, teething machine! We're having tons of fun between tantrums and late night cries but it is TOTALLY WORTH IT and I wouldn't change God's plan for us in the slightest. Have a wonderful week every one and please keep Jenny in your prayers as I'll be in Dallas for training next week (which mean no blog until Friday night). Take care family and friends and God bless!
"For we are HIS workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." ~ Ephesians 2:10
"For we are HIS workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." ~ Ephesians 2:10