Welcome to November! The month I would like to refer to as "The Month From GOD." By the first week in November my kidneys had returned to a level of functionality that made dialysis no longer necessary and I was beginning to be able to be contribute at home without being easily fatigued. All in all, it was an opportunity to spend an entire month with my family at the age of 28, when my sons are 1 and 3, and still have a job to go to when it was over! THANK YOU GOD!
Additionally, GOD's love was shown to us in many ways. From the many visits from family and friends, to meals every other day from our church family, to just the unbelievably quick recovery of my body.
One amazing night in early November came from our wonderful friends (more like family) who took our boys for the night. With already three kids 6 and under at home and number four on the way, taking on our two energy balls is nothing less than miraculous! Thanks guys! We love you!
But even with a night to ourselves, we were glad to have our boys back the next night and took the opportunity to get in some extra snuggles over the next few days :)
So cute...
I like to think he's praying in his sleep
A whole bath full of toys and they just want to play with the faucet.
Laundry Babies!
(Getting rides around the apartment)
One of the meals we received was from our lovely friends Mr. Jason and Ms. Justine. Levi really liked the frosting on the cupcakes :)
Bedtime Snuggles!
Silly faces with Mama
"I'm so pretty"
Levi was in need of a trim...
But this was no ordinary trim job...
Bye bye long locks!
Aunt Sammi is in town to do some damage!
Mama waits in anticipation for her new Levi boy
(future uncle Dylan is very excited too)
A new hairstyle is forming...
(Thanks to TV Levi has no idea)
So that's what his neck looks like
He's a totally different little boy!
AND is SO cute!
Looking hip, Levi!
Jenny will not be happy about this picture but Levi's smile is too precious not to share
Tigue's turn!
Not much to work with, but the mullet has to go!
Mama can handle this!
No more party in the back :)
Levi took the new hairstyle over to his friend Jane's birthday party. And yes that kid has a Spider-Man hoody! AWESOME!
Looks like an add out of Baby Gap or something...
I don't know where one ends and the other begins!
Tigue was just informed it is bed time...
But Levi gets to stay up :)
Ok, you can too Tigue...
This is Levi's impression of cousin Liz
(It is spot on)
Tigue loves to wear medals...
Future champ!
Nothing beats a kid cart at good ole' Trader Joe's.
A little west of us there is a preserve with walking trails and wild animals that are used to humans...
Just a couple of cuties on a stroll...
Another good sign for my recovery; I was able to not only drive my family to the preserve but was also able to walk around for an hour without needing a nap!
Tigue on the other hand loved to take breaks
Another future magazine ad...
Brotherly love!
So, we made it through November! Yes, there was Thanksgiving in there too, but somehow the camera never made it out. I can say that we stuffed our faces and that I was able to eat whatever I wanted, so another great sign that my kidneys were filtering like champs! Another quick side note on the preserve. They have a herd of deer that live there and we were able to get within about 20 feet of a few doe and about 20 yards from a gorgeous eight-point buck. He was huge and it felt weird to be so close without him caring, but it was a fantastic experience, which I plan to enjoy multiple more times as long as we live here in Chicago! Thank you again to all those who were praying, provided us meals, and visited in November; your generosity and time made us feel amazingly blessed and loved. Have a great rest of the day all and look for part three this weekend!
"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
and HE will reward them for what they have done." ~ Proverbs 19:17
and HE will reward them for what they have done." ~ Proverbs 19:17
1 comment:
Loved the update #2.
Love you all. Hugs and kisses.
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