Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Levi, who's that lady over there?"

Nothing like a good nap in a huge pile of blankets to make one's day. Levi is growing like a weed... a super intelligent, sophisticated weed who is awesome! This week was another relaxing one spent at home. No out-of-state, make that no-out-of Chicago, travel. Lots of family time and Levi laughs. This week included borderline crawling, Cheerios,
and the highly sought-after first word...


(Although I'm not entirely convinced he knows who he's referring to, there was more than one occasion this weekend that he made the proper reference!)

"Too many Mama kisses!"

You can see his new bottom "toofers" in the next picture

Followed by more good times with Mama; I think we were watching Shaun White tear it up in the halfpipe... Double McTwist 1260... seriously!?

He loves his Daddy too!

And his blankie and baba that he rarely gets to enjoy
(we're so strict...)

New high chair! He's still a little small for it.

As much as it was nice to just be at home with no plans, we had a very pleasant visit from Jenny's parents this weekend, as well as a fun night with Cyrus (who just turned 1)! My favorite part of Saturday night, besides time with the little boys, was Cyrus' dad's comment as he was leaving with his wife for their belated Valetine's Day date night, "It's date night, I get to do all kinds of fun stuff," which came after he picked his wife up and carried her to the car from our front step to avoid the snow.
Here's Levi thoroughly enjoying his Papa Tiggy
And his baby buddy Cyrus

"Hello friend!"

"I'll catch up to you some day, Cyrus!"



And now we'll bid you "Adieu" with a little (actually, somewhat involved) video of our Cheerio Potty Pants who is, strangely enough, eating his namesake.

Have a wonderful week, everyone! And if any of you run into my best friend Chris (the SOUTH KOREAN) this week, push him twice...once for me and once for Apollo Ohno! ;)


Anonymous said...

GET IT LEVI...GET IT!!!!!!!!!! p.s. YOU HAVE BANGS JJ!!!! haha. Love it! Can't wait to see you on Thursday!!! =)!!!! LOVE YA ~Auntie Carli

Anonymous said...

Feed poor Levi a darn Cheerio-He was working very hard at it. Aunt Jeni

The Jones Pod said...

HAHA! Yes, poor Levi :) Don't worry Aunt Jeni, I eventually gave him LOADS ;)

The Six Of Us said...

Oh he's sooo cute!!! He is always so smiley. Jenny, I sent an invit to our blog to your email.

Anonymous said...

I would weigh so much less if I had to work that hard for my food. I think you gave me an idea....:)

They are so cute at that age. I try to remember that age when Josh won't listen or tries to negotiate! Keep posting the pics and videos. We don't get to see you guys nearly as much as we want! The Hardins