Monday, March 25, 2013

Lazy Bones...

 Sometimes you just need to chill... and theJonesPod knows how to chill! Well, all of us except an unnamed sassy pants who is the self-proclaimed king of theJonesPod...
(I won't say which one but let's just say his name rhymes with pie)

Tigue had to be like Daddy and have his feet on the table...
Not so comfortable for Daddy.
(I don't know what Levi is doing)

Just happy to be like his Daddy :)

This past weekend the Brog-sters came to visit! All our pictures of the boys are in the bath...
so this will have to do :)

A great find at the Thrift Shop!
(Yes that is our new favorite song)

 Another chapter in "Life in Leviland"

Simply incredible artistry...
Look at that lighting!

Bro Bro brushing his teeth...

 This is Tigue's favorite brushin' spot!

Nothing is more exciting than cleaning behind the stove!

So much for a brotherly pact...
"Look what Tigue do-ed!"

Who needs a super shield when you have...

"It doesn't fit in my pocket..."

Don't judge me...

Loving our Shedd Aquarium Membership!

 Growing up too fast!

 He can't have one minute of peace!
(Poor Tigue Baby)

Deep in concentration

I can't believe he starts Pre-School in the fall...

Future Fighting Irishman!

Nothing ends a night like pretending to be CHICKENS!

 I can't believe it is almost Easter... and April for that matter! We wish you all a happy Easter week and remember what this holiday means... Our LOVING FATHER sent HIS SON to die for our sins. HE provided us with a way to escape eternal separation from HIM, and in place of that separation a life eternal with HIM in paradise...Our GOD had a plan, HE implemented it, and HE saved us - it is HIS plan... AMEN!

"And this is the testimony: GOD has given us eternal life, and this life is in HIS SON. Whoever has the SON has life; whoever does not have the SON of GOD does not have life." ~ 1 John 5:11-12

Monday, March 11, 2013


 Welcome the newest member of TheJonesPod...



Those of you that are avid TheJonesPod followers knew Jerome wasn't actually a new member of our family, but a good friend who occasionally comes to visit... The boy were just a little excited to have him back!

Oh sacred fish bowl...

"No Tigue, don't touch the poop water!"

For those of you that have not had the pleasure of meeting "Special New Cars," say hello...

These are the cars Levi got for going No. 2 on the potty the first three times. It also includes Tigue's Mater that Levi has taken ownership of since his is "broke."

"Don't touch my Special New Cars..."

(I love my Special New Cars)

Now keep in mind he's had these cars since around Thanksgiving...
but they are still Special New Cars!

"Did you touch my Special New Cars?!"


More Levi self-portraits...

(I think someone touched my Special New Cars)

I'll have to ask Jenny what this was all about...

There is not many images funnier than when the boys wear the Mr. PotatoHead glasses...

Well, it's been 10 years people! Referencing back to the post title (from New Girl - watch it!), Jenny and I have been a couple since March 7, 2003... cray cray! GOD has blessed us so immensely! And each of you has played a role in who we are today and we thank you for the relationship we have with you. If I could go back ten years and tell myself anything it would be... "Trust GOD, HE's got this covered! And don't worry, your wife is hot!" Not to mention GOD has blessed us with a wonderful marriage, a supportive job that I enjoy, a lovely roof over our heads, and two gorgeous and hilarious little boys. Thank you GOD for being SO obvious in our lives and entrusting us with SO much! That was a lot of exclamation marks... Have a wonderful week everyone and GOD bless!

"I thank my GOD every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that HE who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of CHRIST JESUS." ~Phil. 1:3-6