What happens when you give your parents attitude??? You get a goose egg! Not because we will beat you but because you will slam your head into a chair on the bus (after tripping and falling earlier in the day on the same spot). Tigue is definitely our head hitter... currently he has a nice scab across his forehead - not sure from what.
I don't believe he's upset about being hurt; most likely this tantrum is related to a desire to eat or drink something he has been told he can't have... "Juice Time?" - "No."
There is nothing funnier than finger paints!
"Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere..."
The boys are all clean but where are they?
"Tickle, tickle"
The cutest little hams :)
Finally... Juice Time!
Levi being... well, Levi.
"Do dis Mama"
I was going to take Levi to bed and we found Tigue sprawled out like this...
Yes, I moved his feet back into the crib
For all the roughhousing the boys do, Levi really does care for Tigue, and sitting up in the window is one of those areas of gentle concern - precious.
Tigue's first self-portrait
(In the fort)
"Wevi too"
Another great trip to the Field Museum!
(Our little dudes are quite the explorers)
He is getting SO big
Dance Party!
Also getting SO big
New JCrew Ad?
That's called LOVE
Sleepy Eyes...
We got some quality snow this week, and the boys love to watch the snow-blower dude (is there a professional title for this - Winter Landscaper?) do his thing!
Levi's Death Stare...
Levi's 745th self-portrait
Now this has potential... very artsy.
Now, I had every intention of deleting this photo and all further evidence, but somehow I went the completely opposite route and posted it for the world. Yes, these are Jenny's PJs, but I only put them on becuase Tigue was so demanding that I put on PJs like him... so, this happened. I was back into my sweats by 7:45pm, I promise.
So, we had our wonderful friends Jonathan and Angie (and their little dude Jaxton) over today and played the amazing game of Quelf! Part of the game required Jenny to wear a helmet and hit her head with a spoon while saying, "Bobby, let me in!" - Sound familiar Sammi, Kylie, Mykalanne, and Dylan? Long story short, Tigue wanted to be like Mama.
Thanks for stopping by again this week! Honestly, you should be impressed. I somehow found the energy to make this happen after a 70+ hour work week. Now for some of you this may not sound like much of a big deal, but I'm supposed to be easing back into work... that lasted all of two minutes :) Honestly though, it speaks to how gracious GOD has been to me, and HIS limitless power. HE has created an amazing thing in the human body... this recovery has been incredible! Thank you all again for your prayers, thoughts, time and love. My family and I are immensely loved and cared for! Have a wonderful week all and... congratulations Lisa and Julie for best makeup and hairstyling... because what else really matters!? But in all seriousness... welcome to the world little Asher Michael, and we'll be praying for you Brittany and your future little arrival tomorrow! Good night all!
"Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But GOD chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; GOD chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. GOD chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before HIM. It is because of HIM that you are in CHRIST JESUS, who has become for us wisdom from GOD—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the LORD.” ~ 1 Corinthians 1:25-31