Welcome to 2013... TheJonesPod Style! What happens when our camera happy narcissist son gets going? Lots of hilarious poses. Awesome!
"Now, like dis Daddy"
"And like dis"
("Now let me see")
So... best gifts ever, outside (INSERT YOUR GIFT HERE), were year memberships/passes to the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium. Here the boys are enjoying the aquatic show!
"Mama... Sish!"
It's coming for the Mama!
Pooped after a day of adventures :)
(please no photography)
"What Dinosaur?"
(Finally snack time)
(What's up with this high table?)
My Silly Gooses!
Poor sleepy Eli never saw it coming...
The cuddly Jones boys!
And they are crazy too!
More snuggle time!
Levi and Tigue are more ready for a third than Jenny and I are...
Good thing we're kind of in charge of that timing...
The dudes are covered and ready for messy spaghetti!
I think Tigue loves his Mama just a little
"Get ready for the best year yet people!"
January is off to a good start. Lots of museum and aquarium visits, time with family and friends, and I'm back to work full time. I'm not sure if that last point is really a high point given it takes away from time with Jenny and the boys, but it speaks to a what an amazing GOD we serve and HIS blessings over us! And if this isn't enough to make you excited, how about the fact that January 2013 is technically the first FULL month of our friends' Chris and Sarah's married life together! CONGRATS YOU TWO, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
"Now as the church submits to CHRIST, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as CHRIST loved the church and gave HIMSELF up for her." ~ Ephesians 5:24-25