Sunday, July 22, 2012

Beach Bums

"My drink!"

Thanks Levi for teaching your brother to be possessive...

Welcome to another week in TheJonesPod. Things are starting to really ramp up at work but I'm still finding a way to put Jenny and the boys first!

Now, let's be honest... It wouldn't be a good week without a little Jane visit! Jane was very helpful with putting Levi's hair up so it wasn't in his face - we call it TOP KNOT!

Jenny, Levi, and Jane decided to test out the crib tent
(i.e. the device that keeps babies from falling out of their crib)

 Tigue is a big fan of raspberries and you have to put them on your fingers first. It's the only way!


How do you end the week with amazingness!?
Hang out with the Roundys!

We hung out at the beach, played settlers, ate delicious food and loved on each others' kids. It was great to see them and we're selfishly glad to have them back around, even if it is for only a short time.

Our weekend was SO fun that we didn't have time to take many pictures. However, story time was too precious to not be documented.

It was a busy weekend and nothing calms our dudes down like a little Shaun the Sheep. However, Tigue didn't last much longer than me taking this picture - TOO BUSY!
It was a great week! Between beach trips, the Roundy visit, giggly nights during the week, and a little Sunday night R&R, I definitely can't complain. Now, I know I mentioned the beach three times and you're saying to yourself, "Where are the beach pictures!?" Well, they are on Jenny's phone and I'll have to leave you in suspense until later this week when I can get them downloaded. Have a great week everyone and welcome back to some consistency!

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~ Hebrews 11:1

Friday, July 20, 2012

Blog Fan Appreciation Week (5 of 5)

 We made it all the way to last week. It was a relatively slow one but the boys were back to their mischievousness and Tigue is the verge of walking - he's up to about 6 steps!

Now if you add a walker...
There's no limit!

"I did clean up my toys, those are Tigue's!"

Sporting the new leggings

Tigue had a new shiner... 
one of the many results of learning to walk.

 Tigue literally just came over and sat on my face...
Levi thought it was a good idea.

Levi decided Tigue needed some more Cheerios!

 And made himself out to look like the modest one...

We've made it people! We're back in line. This week really wasn't that bad. Now we don't take enough pictures for me to do this every day but once a week seems like a breeze now. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I'll "see" you on Sunday night! Also, on a quick side note please keep the families of the Aurora, CO victims in your prayers... simply a tragedy.

"LORD, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them." ~ Psalm 10:17

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog Fan Appreciation Week (4 of 5)

 Welcome to our week of fun at the lakehouse! Levi was fearless on the jetski.
"Daddy, go fast!"

For Tigue it wasn't quit love at first sight...
 As a quick side note... we played a game a couple nights that lead to the following outcomes...

Mummy Mykalanne

Fortnight Jenny-Pi
 Cris-Cross Kylie

This game was ridiculous and absolutely hilarious. If these weren't enough Sammi had to ask her foot for permission to talk, I had to be an angry gnome, and Dylan found his inner-Belly dancer!

 Tigue was a big fan of getting up an hour or two earlier than he does at home...
And it's impossible to say no to that smile!

Levi was the master fisherman...
He won't have a problem getting up early when he gets to start going on the Canada trips :)

Tigue didn't think the boat rides were enough, 
so he decided to play in the boat sink - ok!?

Tigue took a little bit of the lake with him up to the house

Levi was in dire need of a trim

"Levi doesn't like"

Pout Lip

 After an awesome week with family it was nice to be back at home...
Just chillin'

 The boys were glad to see their toys!

We're back home in the blog and for real life. Thanks for sticking around and seeing us through this busy time. Tomorrow will get us back on track and hopefully the discipline I've learned this week will help keep me consistent. Happy Friday and I'll see you again in the evening!

"But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children" ~ Psalm 103:17

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blog Fan Appreciation Week (3 of 5)

 "Muahahaha! The stones are mine Dr. Jones!"

That's right the boys are acting out a classic scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! Tigue isn't getting into character very well, but Levi's got the sinister Mola Ram down.

So let's get to that last week in June! Here's our little man Tigue being a good little sharer...
With food that he doesn't want.
 "I'd rather play with this toilet paper roll"
 "Here, you can have this three day old Cheerio I was saving in the closet"
 Levi still isn't ready to give up his infant toys - especially if they are for getting around!
 The week leading up to our Wisconsin family adventure was pretty mellow. Below you can see we made it up to Lakewood, WI! We didn't have our camera for Tigue's little family birthday party over the weekend, so I'll have to get those pictures from my mom. In the mean time, on to the Candy Shop... let me show you what I got!

This picture is cute but you don't quite know the half of it...
I'm holding up the boys out at arms length!
(now you know)
 "What is this place Daddy?"
(Oh just wait my little ones...)
 Ice cream and candy!
 This is Levi's defensive stance...
when his ice cream seems to be threatened!
Tigue helped us learn how to share...
with him!
 He even had Levi convinced it was a good idea.

And so began our week in Lakewood and Townsend, WI. We had two wonderful days with Goggy and Bompa before the rest of the clan made it up. Thank you Goggy and Bompa for all the yummy food, laughs, and good times!

Levi was very patient for his Goggy food.

We've finally made it to July! For those of you that are wondering what we did for our Anniversary over the last weekend... we celebrated Tigue's birthday. It was a great day, but we did go to the Foo Fighter's concert on the Thursday before, so we did get to do some adult-esque celebration. Thank you Chris and Sarah for organizing it and including us! Have a great day tomorrow everyone and tomorrow evening you can look forward to water sports, fishing, silly games, and much more! Peace out!

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." ~ Romans 12:12

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blog Fan Appreciation Week (2 of 5)

Welcome to Day 2 of our little picture-fest! The third week in June was all about fun and friends!
Our lovely friend Roxy came to visit! The boys love her to death and she's perfectly awesome with them. We were so glad to see her and have lots of adventures.
 This isn't the best angle, but there is a yard a few blocks from us with a sweet little Koi pond. Levi loves to check out the fish and little waterfall.

Little Jane made another visit and with their TV time limit reached they found another open venue...
 "Whatcha watching guys?"
 "I want to see! Is that the documentary on "Second Child Syndrome" that I put in my queue?"

 She's got him wrapped around her finger...
 Tigue on the other hand decided to catch some zzzzzzz....
 After another fun day with Jane; everyone was sad to see her go...

Time for that mid-week beach day! 
Hello, beach toys and sand!
"Tigue, you have a little bit of sand on your face..."
 The next day was just some time to chill and be snuggly...
Tigue had no complaints!

 Tigue sporting the 70s shorts and leggings
 After a day of R&R back to hanging with friends...
 "Ah, refreshing"
 And after a week of friends... time for a WEEKEND with friends!
We got the pleasure of having little John and Grace for the weekend!
 And you can't have a weekend in Chicago with out a beach day!
 Which of course includes some digging...

 And showing off...
"Have you seen my beach ball?"

 No more sand and happy faces
 Time for a little rooftop relaxation therapy
 What an awesome weekend!
Thank you to all the friends that visited that crazy week back in June. It was a lot of fun and made life easier for Jenny and the boys as I spent part of the week in New York for work. It was great to see all the laughs and smiles that were had and come home to a "calmer" version of my family and lots of great stories! Have a lovely evening all and we'll see you tomorrow!

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." ~ John 15:12-13