Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day 2012!

 Welcome back to another WEEK with TheJonesPod! That's right it has only been seven days since our last post - simply amazing. Not only is that good for you but good for me considering it means that work is calming down and we're at home more! Levi and I even found time to give our teeth a good old fashion "cleaning."

The boys and I were also able to carve out some time to talk about the important things in life...

We checked out a different park this week as well. It's a park Jenny and the boys have been to a handful of times but this was my first and the swings were exceptionally good! Levi also made a new friend with a little boy (about 3 1/2 years old) who was, get this, TRILINGUAL - Hebrew, Spanish, and English! AMAZING!

 Jenny and I have been much more lenient with Tigue about being a messy eater...
It's pretty cute and hilarious!
 We got the joy of watching our good friends' daughter Jane this past week. Levi and Jane were being pirates in their pirate ship. These were their pirate faces.
 Here's a good shot of Tigue's cute little teeth...
He is getting so BIG!
 Here's an even better shot of those teeth!
 "ME TOO!"
 It wouldn't be Memorial Day weekend with out a trip to the beach (twice in our case) and some good grilling out. Levi loved the sand and the water - his diaper SOAKED up both!
 Here's Levi working on his Ultimate Frisbee skills with his little friend Jordan.
 Wow! What a busy week - good to end the extended weekend with a little R&R on the couch with Mama and Dora the Explorer!
Thank you to the soldiers that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. LORD please be with the families that have lost loved ones in battle and wars throughout the years and thank YOU for watching over them. Have a great week everyone and say good-bye to May... and hello to Tigue's BIRTHDAY MONTH! CRAZY!!

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends" ~ John 15:13

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May... be it's been a while.

 "Tigue... how long has it been since we posted?"


So, I was away on training two weeks ago and I can sum up the week with this:

The boys were the definition of silliness and energy!

The Friday I got back I had to drive down to Purdue University for John Jr's graduation! The boys and Jenny made their way down to campus during the day with Nani, Papa,and Unk Du - it was a packed ride!

 After a great weekend with family celebrating John's amazing accomplishment, we headed to St. Louis to hang out with Jenny's aunt Jane and Uncle Dave. We spent Monday at the Zoo - LEVI LOVED THE HIPPOS!
 Unlike the zoos of my youth, we were insanely close to these St. Louis "native" animals...
 Being a kid is awesome!
 Pretty dang awesome!
 Don't judge me Brewer fans... 
you know this is SO cute!
 I think ORANGE and BLUE are his colors!
 Tigue is our little explorer!
 Future Presidential Fitness Award Winner
 Levi made some new friends at the park...
They were playing pawn shop (j/k).
And there you have it. Two weeks of busyness and trying to get things back to normal with work. Levi is a talking machine - I think I'll start up the Levi vocabulary and phrases again. Tigue on the other hand is on the verge of walking and is all cuteness! Have a great week everyone and thanks for the patience!

"but GOD shows HIS love for us in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us."
~ Romans 5:8

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

TheJonesPod Got Bounce!

Is that the same Levi that we've nicked named the fraidy-cat going down that HUGE slide.That's right, Levi's a selective fraidy-cat. We were in Romeoville this weekend celebrating Charlie and Grace's 1st and 6th birthdays at an INFLATABLE BOUNCE WAREHOUSE. It was an absolute blast and it was great seeing Levi let loose and just enjoy himself!

I think the best part was that the equipment was ok for adults to use too... 

 Climbing the obstacle course... Levi was a pro thanks to his gymnastics training!

Tigue was also a fan of the bouncy castles as long as Daddy or Mama held him.
 Levi absolutely loved the big slide - easily his favorite!
 This is the face Tigue had going down the big slide...
He's going to be our big thrill seeker.
 Our little running back practicing his juke moves!
 Having lots of fun but starting to feel the burn...
 But not done yet!
 Gotta love the action shoots...
That slide was HUGE!
 Back at home this past week Levi got a little bored during nap time...
That's the stuffing from his pillow.
 Levi also had his second dentist appointment...
of his life (he's a pro at that too)!

Tigue and Jenny enjoying a little R&R before bed
 Levi is really starting to get the hang of gymnastics.
This would have been impossible for him 6 months ago.
 Same with this!
Another Levi and Tigue classic moment with Daddy's beanie baby investment (This is not what I had in mind)

And one last thing... Tigue is hilarious!

 As much as the picture of Levi on the slide give you an idea of how big and fast the slide is, it just wouldn't be right to leave you with out a video. Enjoy!

And that wraps up another 2 weeks with TheJonesPod. I thought I was out of busy season but my bosses and clients disagree so until I have some serious sit down discussions with them there may be some more variance in my posting schedule (you've been warned...Chris). Have a great week all!

"When JESUS spoke again to the people, HE said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows ME will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~John 8:12